These functions work with the white square controller that comes with the EVI (HVAC) heat pumps and the Pool/Spa heat pumps. If you have a gray rectangle controller... most (but not all) of this will apply. 

Video Resources can also be found at:
There are currently several controller videos and more will be added in the future. 


Basic Controller Functions

Unlock the Controller

  • If the lock symbol is showing on the display and the display is dim the controller is locked. 
  • To unlock the controller Press and Hold the Power Button for 5 seconds.
  • The lock will be removed from the display and the controller will light up
  • The controller is now unlocked for you to adjust temperatures or control settings.
  • If the controller is not touched for 30 seconds the unit will return to a locked status.

Temperature Mode (Fahrenheit / Celsius)

  • If the controller is locked, you must unlock it prior to changing modes. To unlock the controller Press and Hold the Power Button for 5 seconds.
  • Press and hold the “Power Button & Function Button” until the display changes modes. 
    1. In Celsius mode the display will show the target temperature on the right, and the tank temperature on the left.
    2. In Fahrenheit mode the display only shows the current tank temperature
      • Use the up/down arrows to adjust the target temperature. During this time the target temperature will be displayed.
      • After a few seconds, the display will revert to the current tank temperature.

Change the Temperature

  • If the controller is locked, you must unlock it prior to changing the temperature. To unlock the controller Press and Hold the Power Button for 5 seconds.
  • Press the up or down button one time to enter edit mode.
    1. Raise the temperature to your desired set point with the up button.
    2. Lower the temperature to your desired set point with the down button.
  • Press the Power Button one time to exit edit mode. 

Operating/Standby Mode

  • If you do not see any icons along the top of the display screen, you are in Standby Mode
  • If the controller is locked, you must unlock it prior to changing modes. To unlock the controller Press and Hold the Power Button for 5 seconds.
  • Once unlocked, press the power button for 1-2 seconds to enter operating mode. You should see one or more icons across the top of the screen. 

Heating/Cooling Mode

  • If the controller is locked, you must unlock it prior to changing modes. To unlock the controller Press and Hold the Power Button for 5 seconds.
  • Press and hold the up arrow until the mode changes.
  • Repeat until you reach the mode you want.
  • The shower head and/or sun icon indicates heating mode.
    1. Shower Head is shown on an EVI Heat Pump
    2. Sun Icon is shown on a Pool/Spa Heat Pump
  • The snowflake icon indicates cooling mode.
  • If the snowflake and the sun/shower head icon is on, it is in auto mode.

Advanced Functions

View the Running Parameters

During normal operation you can view the running parameters of several functions. You cannot change these parameters; they just tell you how the heat pump is performing. 

  • If the controller is locked, you must unlock it prior to viewing the running parameters. To unlock the controller Press and Hold the Power Button for 5 seconds.
  • Press the “Function Button” (2nd from left) one time.
    1. The parameter number will appear at the bottom of the screen. The first one is “o1”
    2. The parameter value will appear where the temperature normally appears. 
  • Use the Up/Down buttons to navigate through the parameters to view their values.
  • When you are completed, press the power button one time to exit this mode. 

Error Messages

When the heat pump encounters an error, it will display the error code on the Screen. The errors are listed in the manual of your Heat Pump with a brief description of what they mean. For more details about the error, you can visit the “Arctic Heat Pumps” website and ask the chat bot how to fix it. 

Hidden Error Messages

The heat pump also includes several hidden error messages. These normally do not stop the heat pump from working, but they will indicate a potential problem down the road. These are like a “check engine light” in a car. 

  • If the controller is locked, you must unlock it prior to viewing the hidden error messages. To unlock the controller Press and Hold the Power Button for 5 seconds.
  • Press the “Clock” and “Function” buttons (the two buttons on the left) at the same time to view the hidden error messages. 

Note: These can only be checked when the unit is running and not displaying any standard error codes at the time.




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